Domain FAQ

Q: What is the process for a Domain Transfer?

The process for a domain transfer can vary in details depending on the exact registrars involved. The basic process is the same:

  1. The registrant (who registered the domain) gets a EPP code from the old registrar and submits a transfer request and payment (if applicable) to the new registrar.
  2. The new registrar sends the request to the old registrar.
  3. The old registrar verifies the EPP code provided to them, and releases the domain for transfer
  4. The new registrar accepts the transfer and the domain is now registered at the new registrar.

When you submit a transfer order through us, you will receive a confirmation and agreement acceptance email from OpenSRS. You must accept their agreement in order for the transfer process to continue. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, please open a ticket with us so that we can investigate. In some cases, old registrars will also have a release that they want the registrant to complete. Usually this just delays the process if you do not accept the transfer immediately. Be on the lookout for these emails.

Q: I can't change the (nameservers, contact, etc.) on my domain, why?

Make sure that "Domain Lock" is turned off before making changes to your domain. When a domain is transfer locked, no changes can be applied. You can always re-enable transfer lock after you are done making changes.


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