Illustration of servers in a rack

High-tech, not Big Tech

We're a small business, but with our own hardware and our own datacenter space.

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Reliable, Secure, Resilient

With built-in redundancy and 24x7x365 monitoring, we ensure that your site stays online, 99.9% of the time.

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Free-Speech Friendly

We support your right to speak freely without being subject to a heckler's veto.

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Why Choose kCore Cloud?

Expertise. Customer Service. Transparency.

Cloud with lightning bolt
Truly Awesome Hosting

Expert crafted hosting platform that's packed with features and easy to manage and use.

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Concierge Customer Support

Our friendly & knowledgeable team of internet experts is ready to help when you need us.

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Secure, Stable & Reliable

Designed to be secure from the ground up. Built to last and to keep running no matter what.

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